In my Garden
My garden is a bit of a year long adventure. I try to grow enough veggies to last my family all year, and at the same time our climate is mild enough that I can grow cool weather crops all the way through the winter. I learnt to garden by giving things a go to see what would happen. So I am really proud of all I have achieved, but also want to encourage others to give it a go - without the mistakes I made along the way.
After all that hard work I also like to show off my garden and so I will happily show my garden to groups large and small. I may even through in a talk and some morning tea.
But I will need a bit of notice so it is by prior arrangement only. A small koha will also be welcome. If you or your group is interested
please contact me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Over the years I have seen way too many over enthusiastic new gardeners make the same classic mistakes, end up with gardening failures and give up believing it was to hard or they just didn't have green thumbs.
I really want to help new gardeners from making mistakes before they start so have developed the online, in real time, interactive gardening program that offers a step by step guide to gardening right from the beginning of the season to the bountiful harvest at the end. There is timely instructions of what to do, but also why it should be done, problem solving advice and a small online community of gardeners in the program all offering support and encouragement to one another. And best of all you get seeds to grow your own veggies.
If this sounds like something you or someone you know may be interested I started to gather my gardeners from July so email me and let me know you want to join in with the LIVE PLANTS.